Episode 74 Show Notes
It’s amazing how the stars align when you find a solution to a problem and then set out to help other people. This is a fundamental part of entrepreneurship and building successful businesses, but Nora Fenlon genuinely just wanted to help others. Listen as she shares why seating is the center of the universe and how she’s helping to change industry overall.
Nora incidentally found herself drawn to the world of seating after being involved with a product designed to help posture. She suffers from scoliosis and low back pain, and the product dramatically reduced her pain.
It was then that she realized how important seating is.
She joined Via Seating and is now helping to change the world of seating with new and innovative designs that solve problems in all industries.
Listen as she shares several stories about creating innovative textiles and designs that revolutionized seating in healthcare. She also dives deep into the ethos of Via Seating and why she’s proud to be a part of the team.
This was an amazing conversation filled with great nuggets about seating but also about business in general. You won’t want to miss out on Nora’s words of wisdom.
In this episode:
[02:32] Welcome to the show, Nora!
[03:28] Listen as Nora shares her background and how she got started in the industry.
[08:24] She discusses Via Seating and what sets them apart from other manufacturers in the industry.
[11:08] She speaks about the innovative method and lead time the owner of Via created and the changes they have made in the last eight years.
[14:19] Nora discusses the innovations that have come out of listening to their customers.
[16:14] She talks about copper and why they integrated it into their designs.
[18:28] They just launched their all mesh seating solution called Onda.
[21:37] She shares the challenges she sees in the industry.
[24:30] Ergonomics is important no matter what you do or where you work.
[26:15] Listen as Nora talks about how millennials have impacted the industry.
[30:43] She discusses what they are doing to address millennial buyers and sellers.
[33:17] “If you are not on Pinterest to position your product, you need to be.”
[36:47] She shares what you can expect to see from Via Seating at NeoCon.
[38:52] Thank you for being on the show!
Links & Resources:
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The Trend Report is proudly sponsored by INDEAL U. Partners in progress in the commercial interiors industry. To learn more about INDEAL U, please visit their website at https://www.indeal.org/
The Trend Report introduction music is provided by Werq by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4616-werq License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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