Episode 105 Show Notes
One of the things I love most about having a podcast is the amazing connections I make because of it. I met Matt Spaulding of Spaulding Communications at NeoCon this past year and it was because of this podcast. Listen as he shares his story and why thought leadership is so important to building a brand and business that people trust.
As with most of us, Matt happened into the contract interiors industry. He was working for a PR and Marketing firm and a couple of his really good clients were companies within the industry. After 9/11 happened, the firm decided they needed to shut down one of their branches and cut ties with the clients that those branches were serving.
Matt realized that this could possibly be his moment. Though he’d never set out to become an entrepreneur, he hadn’t found the right match for himself through an agency and thought it was time to take a leap.
He reached out to the heads of some of the companies he was working with and let them know that he’d be happy to take them on in his own business. They agreed and several of them are still with him today.
When building a brand, it’s important to realize that thought leadership is the key to client and customer trust. In order to build trust you have to have written communications that show your potential clients and customers what it would be like to work with you. This is exactly what Matt does.
Listen in to hear his thoughts about the importance of thought leadership, why the words you use in relation to your brand are more important than your logo, and examples of how he’s helped his clients reach new heights. Such great nuggets of information were shared during this conversation and you won’t want to miss out.
In this episode:
[01:47] Welcome to the show Matt Spaulding!
[02:01] Who he is and what he does.
[04:30] How he ended up in the industry.
[07:34] Learn what a marketing communications company does.
[15:12] Matt gives us his definition of thought leadership and why he believes it’s so important.
[18:22] When people give you their email address they are saying that it’s okay to talk to them.
[22:31] People want to connect with people which is another key to thought leadership.
[26:00] There are two sides to marketing communications, the promotion side and the company values side.
[29:38] What he believes companies need to do differently with their marketing.
[34:40] Share the story behind your product, whose idea it was, why is the design important or what materials are you using to help the environment.
[42:58] Find out how to connect with Matt.
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The Trend Report introduction music is provided by Werq by Kevin MacLeod Link:https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4616-werq License:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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