Episode 109 Show Notes
We are spending more time than ever on social media and, as business owners, there is an untapped potential that can be unlocked by promoting your business on social media platforms to bring awareness to you and your brand.
I got the opportunity to chat with Jonathan Howard this week specifically about Instagram and how it can be such a useful tool for promoting your business if you’re using it correctly. Unfortunately, there are so many business strategies out there that go straight into the direct messages of strangers and there is nothing more alienating to your ideal client than cold DMs.
Think about it, direct messages with sales at the forefront are similar to the door-to-door vacuum salesman of the 90s. They rang your doorbell, interrupted your dinner, and started shoving a product that you didn’t even ask about in your face.
You know what might get you closer to buying that vacuum from the guy on your front doorstep? A relationship. If you knew who he was, how his product worked, and what problems his product has solved in his personal life - you might be 100% more inclined to buy his product.
It’s a proven fact that people are more likely to buy a product or a service from people that they know and like. Tune in to this week’s episode to learn about all of the best ways to build your following and make genuine connections with your audience on Instagram.
In this episode:
[02:35] Welcome to the show, Jonathan!
[03:04] Jonathan shares his background and expertise in social media platforms.
[05:04] Why is it essential for businesses to utilize Instagram?
[06:14] Instagram is about building connections and relationships, not direct sales.
[08:31] What can reels do for your business on Instagram?
[10:26] The magic of managing direct messages with personal connections.
[11:55] Big reasons why businesses are underutilizing Instagram.
[14:20] People buy people, and that is why video is important to making connections.
[20:19] Using short-form video to show how your product solves a problem for your customer.
[21:05] How to use Instagram Live as a tool for your business.
[22:37] Hosting interviews on Instagram Live and offering valuable spontaneous conversation.
[25:57] Are trends beneficial for your business?
[27:06] Engaging with your audience on Instagram.
[31:08] Keeping Instagram and other platforms easy to build your following.
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The Trend Report introduction music is provided by Werq by Kevin MacLeod Link:https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4616-werq License:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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