Episode 117 Show Notes
In this episode, I share a discussion that I had with my Coaches Roundtable. Jonathan Howard, Russell Eubanks, Loubna Zarrou, and I speak about an impactful book that solidifies principles in our industry to create a memorable customer experience.
The book we speak about today, Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect by Will Guidara, shines a different light on the office furniture industry as it relates to a solid customer experience.
A key point for us to remember is that you don’t have to work in hospitality to create a hospitality-grade experience. The most successful businesses are those that create a memorable customer experience because providing your customers with a top-tier experience is the best marketing you can ever buy.
The experience that our audience has with us impacts the future they will have with us and the future that other prospective clients will have with us. Word of mouth is the most impactful marketing for your business. To ensure that each experience is seamless, you must get your team on board with the vision of your business. Your team will ultimately define your end user’s experience.
Taking the time to recognize the people on your team and elevate the people who make you better is key to enhancing the impact of the team. Understanding that we owe our success to the efforts of the whole and not that of the individual requires that you nurture the internal relationships in your business.
I really enjoyed this conversation, and I know you will too. It is jam-packed with information that can help you take your customer experience to the next level through the lens of hospitality. Tune in today to shift your perspective on how you are serving your customers.
In this episode:
[01:39] Welcome to the show!
[02:30] The Coaches Roundtable Book Review
[04:52] The important themes we took away from Unreasonable Hospitality.
[07:33] People will remember how you make them feel.
[10:01] The most successful businesses create memorable experiences for their customers.
[13:30] Vulnerability creates genuine connections.
[18:29] Every business should have a hospitality mindset.
[19:39] Your team will define your customer experience.
[22:44] Elevate the people around you.
[24:47] Cultivating a culture of hospitality requires ongoing attention.
[26:28] What is the metric that you use to measure the experience in your business?
[31:22] Hospitality is a mindset.
[35:10] Thanks for joining us on The Trend Report today!
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The Trend Report introduction music is provided by Werq by Kevin MacLeod Link:https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4616-werq License:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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